Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just when it got quiet around here...

Dixie's puppies all left for new homes. My youngsters (Joey, Dixie, Sara, and Dylan) are with Dave preparing for the Spring field trial season. It was just me and the "old girls" (Misty and Phoebe) here holding down the fort. Then I get the news that the owner of Chase, one of Dixie's pups, was required to pack up and move for a five month training assignment in the Norfolk area. Unfortunately, she is not allowed to have any pets in her temporary living accommodations, so Chase has come back here for the spring. He is the sweetest boy, quite smart, and fairly bold for his age. Even though it's only early February, the past couple of days have been quite spring-like, and Chase and I have enjoyed some long walks. Today I even swatted a mosquito! But I know that cold weather is returning before too long. I guess we will enjoy it while we can.

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